A to Z Peach Pinot Spritz

Time to toast to the best season of the year with a cocktail that screams summer—a Peach Pinot Gris Spritz! It’s refreshing, bubbly, and oh-so-delicious! This delightful drink combines the crisp elegance of A to Z Pinot Gris with the juicy burst of ripe peaches, making it the perfect refresher for all your warm-weather fun.



– 3 oz Pinot Gris

– 1 oz peach juice

– ½ oz simple syrup

– Sparkling Water

Pour 3 oz of chilled Pinot Gris into a spritz glass with ice. Add 1 oz of peach juice to the glass.Top up the glass with sparkling water. The amount can vary, but aim to fill the glass almost to the top. Stir gently to combine the ingredients. Garnish with fresh mint and a slice of peach.

A to Z Pinot Gris

Ready to elevate your summer sipping? Click below to grab your Pinot Gris and get started!